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The Story Of A 34 Year Old Girl

This is the story of a girl who is 34 years old.. Her wedding has been late, At 34 years old she was still not married. And then finally someone came forward, She was of course very very very happy, For her it was a golden opportunity (not to say the last occasion). So she has been very much interested in this man, But she noticed that the fiance's mom wasn't

very happy... The fiance was about the same age as her, So they were both in a hurry to get married, They set a date for the wedding, But the closer the day of the wedding, the more the fiance 's mom looked unhappy and frustrated...

Then just before the date of the wedding, the fiance 's mom asked to organize a meeting.

She wanted everyone to be present:

She, her son, the future bride and her mom. She put everyone together in one room. Then she did one thing that broke the hearts. While they were all sitting in the living room,

She said to the future bride"I haven 't seen your ID yet... can you show it to me?""

The girl didn 't understand... She asked Mom ' is there a problem?""

The fianc's mother told her"I just want to see her"

The girl gave him her ID. The Mother of the fiance read the date of birth

marked on it, then she said "oulala are you 34 years old? No... No... No... I didn 't know you were old that much.

I would like my son to marry a daughter younger than Mm 5 years old, And not a 34-Year-old woman, because want to have little children...

I 'm not sure you'll be able to get pregnant at your age ' Then she took her son, and they left...

Her son followed Mom without saying a word.

₩e obey our parents does not mean that we have to accept injustices or accept to break hearts, the son needed to react better than that

in this situation. But he followed his mother, and they left. The poor girl has entered a depression... a

serious depression. She's been depressed for a very long time,

Then she decided to go for a Umrah (lesser pilgrimage), His parents pushed Mm to go, story to relieve

his pain. So she went to make a Umrah. She cried a lot, she made a lot of Du'a (prayers),

She has repeated a lot the verse of the Quran that says {do not despair from the mercy of Allah SWT}

Surah 39-AZ-Zumar: the groups

Then she finished her lesser pilgrimage, and she went home.

While she was coming down from the plane, wanting to pack, A man came to help him, She felt that he was very polite, She picked up her bags, then she left. on the way out of the airport, she found her sister and the husband of her sister who was

waiting for her, She got in the car,

Then Ms sister 's husband said"wait just a little bit, because one of my friends was in the same flight, we'll drop him off" And who was this friend?

It was the man who helped Mm with Ms suitcases, He got in the car, They got to know them, After a little while Then they got married,

And the big surprise is that she got pregnant with a triple... NOT 1 child... Not twins... But 3 in one shot!

She called them al Hassan. Al houssein and fatima .

This girl was happy in her life.

But there's another surprise that I didn 't tell... The man who abandoned her, also got married,

But he hasn 't had children until now...

He found out that he was sterile.

Moral Lesson: do not break the hearts of people... for Allah SWT (exalted be) takes revenge for them, and break your own hearts. A smile of hope for every human being who respects the feelings of others, Who never breaks their hearts, and who preserves their feelings.

And never despair of the mercy of Allah SWT

Allah remains the provider of excellence may His fame and name always be exalted in sha Allah SWT Aameen 🤲❤️


6 months ago

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